After a few posts in the Entrecard forum and asking questions to the fellow bloggers, I got some kind responses about the problem with Entrecard drop widget in my blogs. They said that EC did some system upgrading.
But I figured out what happened, really. The third party cookies was not enabled in my settings. So I did some ticking and then, my EC widgets are back. Now I am enjoying EC drops again :)
But I figured out what happened, really. The third party cookies was not enabled in my settings. So I did some ticking and then, my EC widgets are back. Now I am enjoying EC drops again :)

That's good for you. :) Happy weekend Marly!
I have entrecard girl but I don't know how it works.. LOL...
was here today!
have a great weekend
Kami Sekeluarga Mengucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri 1430 H. Minal Aidin wal Faidzin,
Buat semua Sahabat Blogger. Maafkanlah atas semua kesalahan dan khilaf,
Semoga Allah menerima ibadah dan mengampuni dosa dosa kita semua...amin
Sahabat..mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya..
hi guys, i set up a donation button in my site for the typhoon victims in the philippines, pls donate any amount so we can buy mats, blankets and food
hello hapi sunday ty for the visit friend
dropped by to say ty for the visit and hapi thursday friend
I have the same problem with Entrecard, but I'm not sure if it has to do with cookies. Sometimes the entrecards just disappear from the pages I visit. BTW, I have a contest on my blog. Please feel free to visit and enter the draw.
papansin po...
link me back?
visiting again...wishing you a wonderful week ahead =)
good that you found out the reason for the ec acting up.have a nice day
i was here again today.happy thanksgiving mharms.
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